Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New Venezuela-- Progress or Digress?

THIS is my blog. It is a project for University, but once it is finished I will continue to update it. I am new to the blogging world and don't get paid to do this, so if at first my posts are lacking its because I haven't the time (School) or practice, yet... Alas, summer is nearly here and I will have much more time to post updates.

I thought this was a neat little saying, which pretty much sums things up for chavez because without all three of these foundations his regime will most definitely use up its options (as it is right now) and fall.

Someone once said that Hugo Chávez's support is like a three-legged stool. Those legs are:
  1. Popular support
  2. Oil money
  3. The military

I am excited to see what happens in the legislative elections this fall. I am betting the Chavistas will loose some seats; that is, unless Chavez tears up the constitution (again) and loyalist groups stand up to the portion of the military that would dispute a authoritarian dictatorship...more to come when I have more time. READ ON!

Photo source: (link as per copyright license requires)